Miss Taunton, the Carnival Queen – We are looking for entrants who are at least between 16 years of age and have been living, working or are in full time education…
Best Local Entry in Classes 1 – 5 & 15 – Taunton Licensed Victuallers Jubilee Cup –Ghouls Graveyard, Generations CC Float with Best Costumes – The John Davey Award –…
PROCESSION The 54th Annual Illuminated Procession moves off this Saturday at 7pm sharp from the bridge in Tangier Way and down into Wood Street. It turns right into Bridge…
The South Somerset Federation of Carnivals (Wellington, Ilminster, Chard and Taunton) is using the same entry form for all four Carnivals so if you want to enter more than one…
At our Annual Presentation Evening this month we distributed donations totalling just under £6000. This was the amount generated from the Marathon & Half Marathon in April, 10k in September…
Carlie Perkins was installed as Miss Taunton, the Carnival Queen 2019. at the Annual Presentation Evening this month. Mother of four, Carlie is a fulltime Homemaker and Carer. Grace…