Carnival Review

Sid Vale CC

Following our 57th Taunton Carnival, which took place on Saturday 19th October this year, we’re thrilled to report such a successful event!

We had over 50 items in the procession on the night, ranging from large feature floats, to the Mayoral Civic Party, to fabulous walking entries to classic cars. There really was something for everyone.

Unfortunately we did have a delay on carnival night, and the procession left Tangier Way at 7:30pm. This was due to several medical incidents along the route, which St John’s Ambulance (our first aid provider) were able to manage. We know it’s frustrating to have the wait sometimes, but these were several emergencies that had to be dealt with before we could start. The safety of the participants and the crowd has and will always be our top priority.

We’ve been so pleased with the feedback we have received as a result of the procession and it really means a lot to know that the hard work and dedication put in by volunteers has paid off in the form of thousands of entertained people.

As always, we counted the money collected following the carnival and were able to raise £3517.41 which was a combination of donations via cash and PayPal. If you weren’t able to donate, you can go to the donate page of our website! With the money raised we can help local charities and organisations, and keep carnival going in the County town!

Don’t forget our photography competition, still open with details on our website

A huge thank you to everyone who came to support, everyone who participated and all the volunteers – without whom things would just not happen!

Saturday 18h October 2025 is the date for your diaries next year!

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